Olivia Ryan
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Olivia Ryan
Love Interest(s)
Cam Fisher (ex-boyfriend)
Hair Color
Buttery blonde
Eye Color
First Appearance
Olivia Ryan is a student at Octavian Country Day, and a close friend of Alicia Rivera. She appears often as a secondary character, and is known for being remarkably pretty but considered dumb by others.
Olivia is described as having buttery blonde, wavy hair, and navy blue eyes. Her nose is a ski-slope shape due to what the Pretty Committee claim are plastic surgeries. She is slender with clear, pale skin. She's said to look like "innocent, fragile woodland fairy" due her flowing blonde hair and big blue eyes.
Olivia is described being a "10" like Alicia, with Alicia being the "exotic" beauty while Olivia is the more All-American/"beach babe" beauty. She and Alicia are nicknamed "The Twenty" because they are both tens. Olivia wears knock-off Louis Vuitton scarves and eye makeup.
All that is known about her family is that she has one brother and an older sister. Her older sister is mentioned in It's Not Easy Being Mean when she wants Claire to call her. Her older brother's name is Andy, who is relatively popular with other boys as they always come over to the Ryans, probably to use the skate ramp they have in their backyard. Olivia is also described as having a surgeon as a dad and a real estate office owner as her mother has a black Lexus, designed for work. Olivia's father is also described having secret girlfriends behind Olivia's mother's back. Her and her family live in a modest, ivy covered Tudor style house with four bedrooms.
Love Life[]
Olivia attracts a lot of attention from boys due to her beauty, much like Massie and Alicia. In Best Friends for Never, Cam Fisher and Derrington seem to take slight interest in her.
In The Pretty Committee Strikes Back, Chris Plovert has a crush on her. She's not in a relationship until Bratfest at Tiffany's, when she's dating Cam Fisher. Cam dumped her when she left her Health class infant in her locker and realized that she was careless and he didn't like her that much. Claire Lyons finds it, and he hears her talking to the infant and realizes he still has feelings for her.