The Clique

All of the vocab, games, and cliques mentioned in The Clique series and the Cliquetionary!


Ah-dorable Soooo cute
Ah-dore Like it a lot
Ah-greed Totally think you’re right
Ah-mazing The best ever
Ah-nnoying Like a pebble in your shoe. Or Claire's little brother Todd
Ahb-viously Obviously!
ADD Abner Doubleday Day
ADM Ay Dios Mio (OMG in Spanish)
Alpha Leader of a group or clique
Apple-C Copy/Copying/Copycat; also a shortcut on an Apple computer to copy
Aw-nestly For real
Awn On
Ay-sap ASAP
B-listers People who aren't worthy of the A list
BOCD Briarwood-Octavian Country Day
Boyfast Period when PC members are not allowed to flirt, date, or crush on boys
C+ Crush plus; someone with a crush/boyfriend
C- Crush minus; someone without a crush/boyfriend
CLAM Cute, Loyal, Athletic, Middle-class
Current State of the Union Massie's daily list of what's in/out
D2M Dead to Me
DEC Direct Eye Contact
Done Okay
Done, done and done Decided, conversation completely over
Double-dog heart it Love it x 10
E-nuff I can’t take any more
Ehmagawd OMG
EW Eternal Wannabe/Extremely Wearable/Eight-Worthy
FEW Friend of an Eternal Wannabe
File Fake-smile
Firsty-lasty Using someone’s first and last name; status given to the cutest boys
FOC Fan Of Claire's
Given Obviously/Of course
Glambition Lip gloss brand created by the PC in the first book
GLU Girl Like Us
Go awn What are you waiting for?
Gossip points Points awarded for good gossip
H2G Hard to get
HART Hawt, Alpha, Rich, Toned
Hawt Opposite of ugly
Heart it/I heart I love
IBS International Billionaires' School
J'adore I love
Jobby Job-hobby; something you do for fun, nawt for money
KHBC Katie Holmes Before Cruise; used to describe a hairstyle
KISS Knightsbridge Isle Secondary School
Kuh-laire How the PC pronouces Claire's name
LBR Loser Beyond Repair
LBR² Loser Beyond Repair Relative
Leesh The PC's nickname for Alicia
LISP Little Seventh-grade Pee-on
Luh-v Loooove
MAP Maximum Alpha Potential
MIA Missing In Armani; used like 'Missing in Action'
MSP Major Star Potential
Nawt In no way. At all. Ever.
NLBR New Loser Beyond Repair; used to describe former LBRs
Nuh-thing Nada
OCD Octavian Country Day
OL Off Limits
Opposite of true False
PASTE Previously Allowed Someone who was Then Exiled
PC Private Conversation
PMS Presbyterian Middle School
Point True/Good point
Por fah-vor Please
POTI Pretty On The Inside
POTO Pretty On The Outside
Puh-lease! As if!/Pretty please?
Shoporexic Not able to shop
SOS Summer of Stress
Swear on Bean Bean is Massie's dog; means ‘swear to god’
TFFW Too Funny For Words
Turn-awff Opposite of desirable
VIG Very Important Guest
Wannabes Followers, not Clique-worthy girls


  • Burberry No Punch-Backs - Dylan's favorite game. Every time a PC member spots Burberry, they punch whoever they want as hard as they can.
  • Juicy Hoodie No Punch-Backs - Every time a PC member spots Juicy Hoodies, they punch each other as hard as they can, but the member who got hit can not punch back (from the Clique movie).
  • Gossip Points - For every piece of gossip, Massie awards points. The prize is pride. Typically, the better the gossip, the more points are awarded.
  • Wear or Dare - Based on "Truth or Dare", a PC member has to choose to either wear something that is usually considered last season, or they are given a dare.
  • What Would You Rather? - A PC member is given a choice on what they would rather do in a quite hard situation. For example, last year's Ralph Lauren boots or last year's Juicy tracksuit?
  • Word Jumbles - PC members verbally jumble the letters of a word in the middle of a sentence (e.g. “rorsy” for “sorry”, “meowsea” for “awesome”) for the rest of the girls to figure out.
  • Given/Nawt Given - Alicia's favorite game. Instead of saying "yes" or "no", a PC member would say "Given" or "Nawt Given".
  • Done - When a PC member agrees on something she says 'Done', the rest of the PC are expected to say 'done'. The last one says 'and done.'


  • The Pretty Committee (PC) - The alpha clique that consists of Massie, Dylan, Alicia, Kristen, and eventually Claire. These are the main characters of the series.
  • The New Pretty Committee (NPC) - When the clique was in boyfast - they promised to give up boys and lived by BFF (Best Friends First, Later refered to as Boy Fast Forever) Shortly after it failed and they went back to being called the Pretty Committee.
  • The Unbelievably Pretty Committee (UPC) - The Unbelievably Pretty Committee. Alicia's unsuccessful clique from when she tried to take over the alpha spot. Consisted of Alicia, Olivia Ryan, Kori Gedman, and Coral 'Strawberry' McAdams.
  • DSL Daters - The eighth grade clique that consists of Skye Hamilton, Becca Brie, Missy Cambridge, Leslie Lynn Rubin, and Heidi Sprout. Called so for their super-fast connections with boys. Eighth-grade alphas.
  • MUCK - Massie's Underground Clinic for Kissing. Created in The Pretty Committee Strikes Back when Massie was proving she was better than Nina.
  • The Country Club - A group of girls who tried to make their own clique when the PC were expelled.
  • Da Crew - Consisted of Coral 'Strawberry' McAdams and Kori Gedman, who tried to make their own clique when the PC were expelled. It disbanded because they wanted to join the protests to bring back The Pretty Committee.
  • Soul-M8s - A boy-girl clique that Alicia was alpha of in Boys R Us. It was made up of Claire, Cam, Alicia, Josh, Dylan, Derrington, Kristen, and Dempsey.
  • Massie and Crew (MAC) - Massie's group of actors she and Layne hired to pretend to be her new friends and get back at Kristen for stealing Dempsey. However, because of Massie's strictness and refusal to let them take breaks, they quit. Consisted of Massie, Layne, Lilah Poole, Jasmine Collins, Kaitlyn, and Cassidy. Mia was originally part of it but was fired for talking back.